Engineering Officer
Service Type
View Full-time roleEntry Methods
You'll be paid to train and on completion of your Initial Military Training and Initial Employment Training, you’ll earn a tax-free daily rate of at least:
Find out what it’s like
Benefits you won't see anywhere else
You’ll enjoy the following:
Great salary from day one, which increases with experience
Tax-free pay
Travel opportunities
Fully paid training
Army Officer - Command career pathways
This is an Army Officer – Command Pathway role. This means you’ll enter the Army to be trained as a General Service Officer. You’ll receive world-class training that will build you from the ground up to command, lead and manage across a broad spectrum of environments within the Army and within a specialisation.
The area of your specialisation will depend on your preference, performance and position availability. Within your first posting out of training, you’ll apply these skills and likely lead a team of highly trained soldiers. As you progress in your career, you’ll be exposed to development opportunities across a range of postings to prepare you for your next leadership roles.
Those who complete Engineering as their degree at ADFA will more than likely be allocated to an Engineering Officer role after RMC-D graduation and do a further 12 months back at ADFA to complete their studies.