Sensitive to your family’s needs, at all stages of your lives.

Support for your family

As a working parent, it’s important you have the support and flexibility to manage your family’s commitments without detriment to your career. We are committed to helping you achieve work-life balance.
Grandmother and mother teach a young girl.
Women in formal military uniform stands with daughter and husband.


If at any time you need support, the ADF can help with healthcare, substantial housing subsidies, and other financial benefits.

Childcare placement

Subsidised food and accommodation

Additional health support for dependants in regional posting locations

The National ADF Family Health Program is available to all ADF recognised dependants, no matter where you live

Practical assistance for ADF families who have dependants with special needs.

Greater Flexibility

As long as you have approval from your respective service and subject to capability requirements, you can work part-time to suit your situation. Applications for flexible working will be considered after completion of recruit and Initial Employment Training – typically several months after appointment or enlistment. This includes:

variable working hours and working from home arrangements

different types of leave – including carer’s leave, maternity and paternity leave, and leave without pay – depending on your circumstances and length of service.

Answers to your tough questions

Support services, whenever you need them

Families of ADF members have free access to a number of support programs. These include:

  • crisis support
  • health and wellbeing resources
  • partners and dependants' information
  • local service activities and events
  • service specific to the military life cycle
  • information regarding service records, medals and awards.

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