Application process

See inside an ADF Careers Centre

See inside an ADF Careers Centre
It all starts with the application. After that, you’ll need to follow each step carefully as there are different requirements depending on the role you’re after. For more details, check the relevant job page.
Application Process
There are 6 key steps to submit your application to the ADF with some entry methods requiring an extra step.
STEP 1. Apply online
Provide your personal details, academic achievements and up to 3 job preferences. Once submitted, you’ll receive access to your Candidate Hub where you‘ll need to complete your Supplementary Application Form relating to your education, work experience, hobbies and other relevant experience. Those applying for ADFA will need to apply to both the ADF and UNSW.
STEP 2. Complete a Job Opportunities Assessment
This is a series of multiple-choice general ability and mathematical ability questions to help determine which service and position(s) you are most likely to be suited to.
STEP 3. Attend a virtual YOU Session
Your Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) Sessions are split over multiple days to fit your schedule. Or if you prefer, you can arrange to complete the activities together at one of our ADF Careers Centres. Once done, log back into your Candidate Hub to complete the Medical History Questionnaire.
STEP 4. Attend Assessment and Officer Sessions
You’ll be invited to an Assessment Session for a medical assessment, a psychological interview, and an ADF interview.
All applicants – Once you are booked to the Assessment Session, follow the prompts in the confirmation email. Please ensure you print and sign the Informed Consent form for conducting a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and bring it with you to your session.
Officer applicants – If you’ve applied for an officer role, you‘ll also attend an Officer Selection Board (OSB) where you’ll be interviewed by a panel of officers and a psychologist and participate in group and individual activities.
STEP 5. Take a fitness test if required
Six weeks prior to joining the ADF, you may be required to take a PFA, completing a specific number of exercises based on the fitness requirement for your chosen job role.
Please note, those applying for the Navy are not required to take a PFA. It is only a requirement for Navy Divers which consists of 30 push ups, 25 sit ups and a shuttle run to level 10.1.
STEP 6. Attend enlistment or appointment day
This is the part of the application process where you join the ADF!
You'll receive your official ADF job offer along with your joining instructions and can look forward to the exciting future that lies ahead.
Foreign military transfers
For information about how to bring your foreign military experience to the ADF via a lateral transfer, visit Ways to Join and click on the ‘Previously Served’ tab.
STEP 1. Apply online
You will be asked to provide your:
- personal details
- academic achievements
- up to 3 role preferences (if you have them).
After completing your ADF application, you will receive access to your Candidate Hub. In the Hub, you will need to complete your Supplementary Application Form which provides additional information relating to your education, work experience, hobbies and other relevant experience to support your application.
The hub is also the place where you can upload:
- original or certified copy of your birth certificate or passport
- proof of citizenship or permanent residency
- proof of secondary and tertiary education records and results
- if relevant, details of employment history and any trade qualifications.
For ADFA applications only: Apply to University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Apply for ‘UNSW, Canberra at ADFA’ through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC). Your application to UAC is separate to your ADF application. All inquiries should be directed to UNSW Student Administrative Services at or +61 2 6268 6000.
STEP 2. Complete a Job Opportunities Assessment
After submitting your application, you’ll receive an email with a link to complete an online Job Opportunities Assessment. This is a series of multiple-choice general ability and mathematical ability questions to help determine which service and position(s) you are most likely to be suited to. This needs to be completed to ensure your application can progress.
STEP 3. Attend a virtual YOU Session
Your Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) Sessions are split over multiple days to fit your schedule. Or if you prefer, you can arrange to complete the activities together at one of our ADF Careers Centres. At the end of the session, you’ll have all the information to decide which jobs you wish to apply for.
To prepare for your YOU Session, log into your Candidate Hub to:
- complete any outstanding forms from the Candidate Hub
- complete the Job Opportunities Assessment
- talk to a Careers Coach (via phone) about the service and role(s) you are considering.
After you have completed your Career Coaching session, log back into your Candidate Hub to complete the Medical History Questionnaire – it’s important that you complete this as early in the process as possible. Once you have submitted this form, along with any supporting medical documentation for existing medical conditions, you may be contacted for a Medical Interview with a nurse to discuss your history.
How to prepare for your YOU Session
In preparation, log into your Candidate Hub and ensure you've completed the digital forms and uploaded copies of your relevant documentation.
If you are unsure of what to prepare for your YOU Session, please call 13 19 02. If in doubt about how to have documents certified, download our Certification Guidelines.
What to expect
Your virtual YOU Session will consist of:
1. Job Opportunities Assessment
This assessment will be sent to you via email and you will need to complete it before you can progress further with your application, which:
- consists of a series of multiple-choice general ability and mathematical ability questions
- helps to determine which service and position(s) you are most likely to be suited to.
For more detail, read the Job Opportunities Assessment
2. Interview with a Careers Coach (via phone)
The interview includes questions about your education, fitness level and sporting history and any relevant leadership experience you have. It also helps provide career advice on roles most suited to your background, eligibility and interests.
At your Careers Coaching session, you will have the opportunity to discuss the job roles you may be eligible for (subject to satisfying the eligibility requirement), based on your job opportunity assessment results. Depending on your suitability and level of interest, you may be invited to undertake further evaluation at a later date for some of these positions.
STEP 4. Attend Assessment and Officer Sessions
Following your YOU Session, your Case Manager will guide you through the application process, including through your Assessment Session. You may be invited to an Assessment Session for:
- a medical assessment
- a psychological interview
- an ADF interview.
As long as your Case Manager has received all the requested paperwork, you will progress to an Assessment Session.
Once you are booked to the Assessment Session, follow the prompts in the confirmation email. Please ensure you print and sign the Informed Consent form for conducting a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and bring it with you to your session.
What to expect
Your Assessment Session will consist of three components:
1. Medical Assessment- Head-to-toe examination by a medical professional from Sonic HealthPlus. This includes an external check of the groin area for a hernia or other medical issues. For full details, please read the Medical Assessment Process.
- Assesses your physical fitness and suitability to perform specific duties
- Identifies any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect your ability to serve
- Includes tests for flexibility and may include exercises such as sit-ups
- Includes a urine sample test for any prohibited substances.
- Asks about various aspects of your life including your educational and employment histories, family circumstances, social and sporting activities, and interest in joining the ADF
- Determines how you are likely to cope living within a military environment
- Checks whether your values and life outlook are compatible with the ADF
- Assesses whether you will be effective in your chosen role.
- Provides an opportunity for you to articulate why you want to join the ADF and demonstrate what you know about the job or jobs you have applied for
- Assesses your suitability for the position(s) applied for and your ability to withstand the demanding requirements of ADF service.
Preparing for the Assessment Session
Assessment Session
Tips for a successful Assessment Session
- Present yourself well and dress appropriately
- Speak clearly
- Know your resume and be able to expand on it if asked to
- Don't hesitate to ask for clarification if unsure of anything
- Familiarise yourself with all the details of the role you're applying for including:
- An overview of the role and the training requirements
- Fitness requirements
- Policies related to the role that you will need to adhere to
- Prepare answers for some of the questions you might be asked such as 'why do you want this job?' and 'have you considered how it will impact your family?'
- Speak to a serving member of the ADF, preferably one doing the job you're applying for. To arrange this, please call 13 19 02.
Following the successful outcome of your Assessment Session, your Case Manager will guide you through the remaining stages of the recruitment progress. A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check will be performed following the successful outcome of your Assessment Session.
Officer Selection Board (OSB)
The OSB determines leadership and management potential, the ability to influence and motivate others, and the capability to learn all that is required to become an officer in the Navy, Army or Air Force. You’ll be interviewed by a panel of officers and a psychologist and participate in group and individual activities.
What to expect
OSBs are conducted via a virtual interview that vary slightly between the Navy, Army and Air Force but all are likely to include a combination of:
- a written exercise
- an oral presentation
- a group exercise
- a practical exercise
- an interview with a panel.
For the Air Force, the virtual interview only consists of an oral presentation and an interview with a panel. Army candidates will also be required to take a fitness test.
Preparing for the OSB
- Learn as much as you can about the Service you have chosen by visiting air shows, base open days or ship open days; by researching online and by talking to relevant personnel
- Familiarise yourself with base locations, ships, vehicles, aircraft and weapons
- Read and re-read the job description, memorising your duties and the qualities we look for in our officers.
Potential outcomes
- If successful passing the OSB, congratulations! You’ll be placed in the National Order of Merit, showing how well you performed against all other candidates in a specific intake
- If unsuccessful we’ll give you detailed feedback. Then, given your commitment to address the concerns raised, you may be offered another opportunity to attend an OSB.
STEP 5. Take a fitness test if required
Having a base level of fitness will help you cope with the physical demands of initial military training and to guard against injury.
Pre-entry Fitness Assessment (PFA)
Six weeks prior to joining the ADF, you may be required to take a PFA, completing a specific number of exercises based on the fitness requirement for your chosen job role. We’ve created a guide to help you to get started on your fitness journey, including practising correct techniques for your PFA.
If you are not confident about your fitness levels, you may discuss this with your Enlistment Coordinator who can arrange fitness sessions and/or mentoring to assist with confidence building.
What to expect
The fitness requirements vary across the Navy, Army and Air Force. It may include push-ups, sit-ups and a cardio exercise such as a beep test, run or swim. To find out what is relevant to you, visit our Fitness Requirements page.
The Fitness Test
STEP 6. Attend enlistment or appointment day
If you've reached this part of the application process, welcome to the ADF! You'll soon receive your official ADF job offer along with your joining instructions and can look forward to the exciting future that lies ahead.
Enlistment and Appointment
What to expect
- A final medical check
- The completion of final administrative procedures
- Enlistment (general) or Appointment Ceremony (officer).
Your Enlistment Coordinator will organise your Enlistment or Appointment Day and you’ll be invited to attend a ceremony. It’s a very exciting moment as you become an official member of the ADF. You’re encouraged to find out more about what lies ahead. At the conclusion of the ceremony, you’ll head straight to Initial Military Training to start your new career in the ADF.
There are 6 key steps to submit your application to the ADF with some entry methods requiring an extra step.
STEP 1. Apply online
Provide your personal details, academic achievements and up to 3 job preferences. Once submitted, you’ll receive access to your Candidate Hub where you‘ll need to complete your Supplementary Application Form relating to your education, work experience, hobbies and other relevant experience. Those applying for ADFA will need to apply to both the ADF and UNSW.
STEP 2. Complete a Job Opportunities Assessment
This is a series of multiple-choice general ability and mathematical ability questions to help determine which service and position(s) you are most likely to be suited to.
STEP 3. Attend a virtual YOU Session
Your Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) Sessions are split over multiple days to fit your schedule. Or if you prefer, you can arrange to complete the activities together at one of our ADF Careers Centres. Once done, log back into your Candidate Hub to complete the Medical History Questionnaire.
STEP 4. Attend Assessment and Officer Sessions
You’ll be invited to an Assessment Session for a medical assessment, a psychological interview, and an ADF interview.
All applicants – Once you are booked to the Assessment Session, follow the prompts in the confirmation email. Please ensure you print and sign the Informed Consent form for conducting a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and bring it with you to your session.
Officer applicants – If you’ve applied for an officer role, you‘ll also attend an Officer Selection Board (OSB) where you’ll be interviewed by a panel of officers and a psychologist and participate in group and individual activities.
STEP 5. Take a fitness test if required
Six weeks prior to joining the ADF, you may be required to take a PFA, completing a specific number of exercises based on the fitness requirement for your chosen job role.
Please note, those applying for the Navy are not required to take a PFA. It is only a requirement for Navy Divers which consists of 30 push ups, 25 sit ups and a shuttle run to level 10.1.
STEP 6. Attend enlistment or appointment day
This is the part of the application process where you join the ADF!
You'll receive your official ADF job offer along with your joining instructions and can look forward to the exciting future that lies ahead.
Foreign military transfers
For information about how to bring your foreign military experience to the ADF via a lateral transfer, visit Ways to Join and click on the ‘Previously Served’ tab.
STEP 1. Apply online
You will be asked to provide your:
- personal details
- academic achievements
- up to 3 role preferences (if you have them).
After completing your ADF application, you will receive access to your Candidate Hub. In the Hub, you will need to complete your Supplementary Application Form which provides additional information relating to your education, work experience, hobbies and other relevant experience to support your application.
The hub is also the place where you can upload:
- original or certified copy of your birth certificate or passport
- proof of citizenship or permanent residency
- proof of secondary and tertiary education records and results
- if relevant, details of employment history and any trade qualifications.
For ADFA applications only: Apply to University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Apply for ‘UNSW, Canberra at ADFA’ through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC). Your application to UAC is separate to your ADF application. All inquiries should be directed to UNSW Student Administrative Services at or +61 2 6268 6000.
STEP 2. Complete a Job Opportunities Assessment
After submitting your application, you’ll receive an email with a link to complete an online Job Opportunities Assessment. This is a series of multiple-choice general ability and mathematical ability questions to help determine which service and position(s) you are most likely to be suited to. This needs to be completed to ensure your application can progress.
STEP 3. Attend a virtual YOU Session
Your Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) Sessions are split over multiple days to fit your schedule. Or if you prefer, you can arrange to complete the activities together at one of our ADF Careers Centres. At the end of the session, you’ll have all the information to decide which jobs you wish to apply for.
To prepare for your YOU Session, log into your Candidate Hub to:
- complete any outstanding forms from the Candidate Hub
- complete the Job Opportunities Assessment
- talk to a Careers Coach (via phone) about the service and role(s) you are considering.
After you have completed your Career Coaching session, log back into your Candidate Hub to complete the Medical History Questionnaire – it’s important that you complete this as early in the process as possible. Once you have submitted this form, along with any supporting medical documentation for existing medical conditions, you may be contacted for a Medical Interview with a nurse to discuss your history.
How to prepare for your YOU Session
In preparation, log into your Candidate Hub and ensure you've completed the digital forms and uploaded copies of your relevant documentation.
If you are unsure of what to prepare for your YOU Session, please call 13 19 02. If in doubt about how to have documents certified, download our Certification Guidelines.
What to expect
Your virtual YOU Session will consist of:
1. Job Opportunities Assessment
This assessment will be sent to you via email and you will need to complete it before you can progress further with your application, which:
- consists of a series of multiple-choice general ability and mathematical ability questions
- helps to determine which service and position(s) you are most likely to be suited to.
For more detail, read the Job Opportunities Assessment
2. Interview with a Careers Coach (via phone)
The interview includes questions about your education, fitness level and sporting history and any relevant leadership experience you have. It also helps provide career advice on roles most suited to your background, eligibility and interests.
At your Careers Coaching session, you will have the opportunity to discuss the job roles you may be eligible for (subject to satisfying the eligibility requirement), based on your job opportunity assessment results. Depending on your suitability and level of interest, you may be invited to undertake further evaluation at a later date for some of these positions.
STEP 4. Attend Assessment and Officer Sessions
Following your YOU Session, your Case Manager will guide you through the application process, including through your Assessment Session. You may be invited to an Assessment Session for:
- a medical assessment
- a psychological interview
- an ADF interview.
As long as your Case Manager has received all the requested paperwork, you will progress to an Assessment Session.
Once you are booked to the Assessment Session, follow the prompts in the confirmation email. Please ensure you print and sign the Informed Consent form for conducting a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and bring it with you to your session.
What to expect
Your Assessment Session will consist of three components:
1. Medical Assessment- Head-to-toe examination by a medical professional from Sonic HealthPlus. This includes an external check of the groin area for a hernia or other medical issues. For full details, please read the Medical Assessment Process.
- Assesses your physical fitness and suitability to perform specific duties
- Identifies any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect your ability to serve
- Includes tests for flexibility and may include exercises such as sit-ups
- Includes a urine sample test for any prohibited substances.
- Asks about various aspects of your life including your educational and employment histories, family circumstances, social and sporting activities, and interest in joining the ADF
- Determines how you are likely to cope living within a military environment
- Checks whether your values and life outlook are compatible with the ADF
- Assesses whether you will be effective in your chosen role.
- Provides an opportunity for you to articulate why you want to join the ADF and demonstrate what you know about the job or jobs you have applied for
- Assesses your suitability for the position(s) applied for and your ability to withstand the demanding requirements of ADF service.
Preparing for the Assessment Session
Assessment Session
Tips for a successful Assessment Session
- Present yourself well and dress appropriately
- Speak clearly
- Know your resume and be able to expand on it if asked to
- Don't hesitate to ask for clarification if unsure of anything
- Familiarise yourself with all the details of the role you're applying for including:
- An overview of the role and the training requirements
- Fitness requirements
- Policies related to the role that you will need to adhere to
- Prepare answers for some of the questions you might be asked such as 'why do you want this job?' and 'have you considered how it will impact your family?'
- Speak to a serving member of the ADF, preferably one doing the job you're applying for. To arrange this, please call 13 19 02.
Following the successful outcome of your Assessment Session, your Case Manager will guide you through the remaining stages of the recruitment progress. A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check will be performed following the successful outcome of your Assessment Session.
Officer Selection Board (OSB)
The OSB determines leadership and management potential, the ability to influence and motivate others, and the capability to learn all that is required to become an officer in the Navy, Army or Air Force. You’ll be interviewed by a panel of officers and a psychologist and participate in group and individual activities.
What to expect
OSBs are conducted via a virtual interview that vary slightly between the Navy, Army and Air Force but all are likely to include a combination of:
- a written exercise
- an oral presentation
- a group exercise
- a practical exercise
- an interview with a panel.
For the Air Force, the virtual interview only consists of an oral presentation and an interview with a panel. Army candidates will also be required to take a fitness test.
Preparing for the OSB
- Learn as much as you can about the Service you have chosen by visiting air shows, base open days or ship open days; by researching online and by talking to relevant personnel
- Familiarise yourself with base locations, ships, vehicles, aircraft and weapons
- Read and re-read the job description, memorising your duties and the qualities we look for in our officers.
Potential outcomes
- If successful passing the OSB, congratulations! You’ll be placed in the National Order of Merit, showing how well you performed against all other candidates in a specific intake
- If unsuccessful we’ll give you detailed feedback. Then, given your commitment to address the concerns raised, you may be offered another opportunity to attend an OSB.
STEP 5. Take a fitness test if required
Having a base level of fitness will help you cope with the physical demands of initial military training and to guard against injury.
Pre-entry Fitness Assessment (PFA)
Six weeks prior to joining the ADF, you may be required to take a PFA, completing a specific number of exercises based on the fitness requirement for your chosen job role. We’ve created a guide to help you to get started on your fitness journey, including practising correct techniques for your PFA.
If you are not confident about your fitness levels, you may discuss this with your Enlistment Coordinator who can arrange fitness sessions and/or mentoring to assist with confidence building.
What to expect
The fitness requirements vary across the Navy, Army and Air Force. It may include push-ups, sit-ups and a cardio exercise such as a beep test, run or swim. To find out what is relevant to you, visit our Fitness Requirements page.
The Fitness Test
STEP 6. Attend enlistment or appointment day
If you've reached this part of the application process, welcome to the ADF! You'll soon receive your official ADF job offer along with your joining instructions and can look forward to the exciting future that lies ahead.
Enlistment and Appointment
What to expect
- A final medical check
- The completion of final administrative procedures
- Enlistment (general) or Appointment Ceremony (officer).
Your Enlistment Coordinator will organise your Enlistment or Appointment Day and you’ll be invited to attend a ceremony. It’s a very exciting moment as you become an official member of the ADF. You’re encouraged to find out more about what lies ahead. At the conclusion of the ceremony, you’ll head straight to Initial Military Training to start your new career in the ADF.