I read somewhere that you can join the Reserve up to the age of 55 so I decided to have a shot at it.
How it started
I’ve always followed my passion and dreams. Once I decide to do something, I do everything to fulfill that goal. Like when I decided to become a DJ at the age of 40 and did that successfully for 10 years.
Joining the Army Reserve was no different as it was a childhood dream to serve my country and community. I joined at the age of 48 whilst working full-time, which I still do.
What I do
My role in the Army Reserve complements what I do day-to-day as I learn leadership skills and discipline and am motivated to stay physically fit. This is why I specifically chose to train to become an officer.
And while the Reserve has given me the chance to live and experience the Army life, I haven’t had to sacrifice my civilian life.
How it's made an impact
On a personal level, the Reserve has made a big impact on me being a good role model and choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. I always speak highly of the Army Reserve and advise my friends and others to join, to experience the best of both worlds while making a difference and giving something back.
The physical and weapons training parts whilst challenging at my age, were most enjoyable and rewarding. I met and spent time with some very good people and developed some great friendships.
I felt very emotional during the Passing Out Parade at Kapooka where we got to celebrate completing our training. It was one of the biggest achievements of my life and I felt so happy and proud of myself for completing the course alongside people less than half of my age. I hope to stay and serve in the Army for as long as my age and health permits.
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